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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Delta Living – Life unravels in Versions?

In the delineated lives of construct that we all have set in motion, an idea to ponder upon struck me this morning when I actually thought of the software tool that we use at work which has this amazing feature called ‘Resynchronize’, wherein the differences (Delta) from the previous version to the current version can be resynchronized to get the latest changes.

In arbitration of this feature, I wondered whether our lives reveals in itself as a ‘Delta Change’?  Are we delta living? In consensus to these questions there is one gap which needs to be filled and that is ‘Resynchronize’ feature wherein the changes in past can be synchronized to the present to savor the future. So this is the mathematical form of incorporating the changes and abide to “An interval of possible values (A sane thing one can do at that given point of time) for a given quantity (For the change infused in life) for instance across a sample (Sample being the Homo sapiens themselves)”

The chemistry involved in it is even more worth looking into, wherein analogy process would be “Neutralization. In chemistry, neutralization is a chemical reaction whereby an acid and a base react to form water and a salt. All the so called ‘Acidic Feelings’ like anger, fantasies, betrayal, infidelity, whining etc., react with (I consider only 1 major base) i.e., REALITY infuses calmness (Water) and spices up the life in its own way to render the change merge or purge in deep abyss of our memories.

And I think it’s true that life unravels in different versions for different people which can take its own pace to appear as a Delta which calls for the click of the option ‘Resynchronize’. 


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