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Monday, August 29, 2011

‘The one’ – is it really someone called ‘The One’?

When someone asks about, ‘who could be your ‘The One’ that you are in search off? ‘The Place’ you wanna go, ‘The moment’ you wanna live forever etc., ….. I wonder is there something really called ‘The One’, ‘The place’, ‘The moment’ present here? I think it is not.

Whatever is ‘The’ right now will not remain ‘The’ after its beat of passion is gone. Something else lines-up to take its place but you remain constant in some search of a similar feeling in different loops. What trait we like in one person after the charm of time engulfs us slowly that ‘The Trait’ fades into memory. ‘The one’ has also changed and so are you.

In this mysterious loop, where do we draw a line for ‘The one’ is something that I cannot fathom about. How all our ‘The Ones’ are disguised into relationships is like a carnival!!! Few have names and few do not. To open-up for this flood of experience of oneness, an open eye and moreover a compassionate heart is needed I feel. Non-judgmental trait is a master in this race.

Sometimes we are so busy swimming in the sea of so called ‘Practical Life’ that it doesn’t matter if you don’t listen to this calling. ‘The One’ bumps into us and disappears like a flash of light, leaving a whiff of that new place, new peace, new PULSE sometimes as subtle as wink of eye, once there once gone.

This new feeling leaves oneself to crave for it more and more. It is this ‘Taste of Fervent’ that each one of us search for in many different ways (Friends, partner, parents, children etc.,). ‘The Ones’ when happen in life which I think is sum experience of many people. The channel for that ‘One Pulse’ that clicked your current ‘The One’ may not beat the heart of life to pump love as fuel in each others veins till the end of this life. And then one more loop starts in this search which maybe your friends – ‘The group’ that all together dance on maybe your ‘The One’s’ reconciliation shade that one wants to be colored with for a while. Then, ‘The One’ of root that you come from, to be grounded, to remember the path that one takes in growing up is shared by Parents and siblings. This pulse beats for a while to give a feeling of “HOME” no matter which ever funny loops we take (make up and break ups too J) to explore a safe harbor called ‘The One’.

It’s all a game in the name of ‘Salvation’ where the search is still on for ‘The One’ when we reach last stages of life as well.  We finally keep searching the source we all need to belong to. Search of this perfection in everything/everyone/every event in our life. Including oneself. Different phases of this perfection are the relationships we all get into and sometimes get out of it as well J (Not to mention few are worth getting out !!!)

I think, there is no ‘The One’ in one being. As we ourselves are not one separate entity. We share multitudes of our part with many beings and within us as well. Different stages of this frequency clicks with different people. They bring their own music to our lives, few last as melody to listen to again and again and few as just a yell of voice from some far place. All ‘The Ones’ put together will make our circle of mysterious loop complete when we give ourselves chance to know, feel and realize that ‘many ones’ make ‘The One’ and not just one person for one whole life.

To enclose one’s soul in a safe realm of extreme solace all moments with all ‘The Ones’ will finish this coming back to mortal lives for good, one day !!!

- Shilpa 

Friday, January 28, 2011

Equanimity – A virtue of heart or head?

There is a saying that, ‘opposites get attracted to each other’ but then I keep asking myself sometimes ‘why is that we are in search of likes’? Most of the times we tend to line-up our wish list like:
I want someone like the way I think, like the way I have interests in, wants things like I want etc., so how should we get attracted to the opposite ones then? Mysterious concept.

I really feel composure of heart or head individually has great effects in itself but are we born to explore the differences between them? I suppose yes. I have heard people say, follow your heart …. Take that path less travelled but then how are we sure that the road less travelled is also sometimes not the road to be travelled?  And boom there u go by the calculation of ur head: risks involved, time frame, results etc., so a composed way of neural thinking is also a way to know the road u need to take. It’s like taping a tip of ice berg …… the real competitor still remains ‘go for what ur heart says’ (And wonder what it says) 

In my perspective, I don’t think they both are right individually but together they do form a full circle which I call the ‘Divine Destiny’. To attain this birth right for which we fight whole life – ‘Nirvana’ that which few have attained in the past and few are trying to attain in the present and I wonder how many more are predicted in the future.

What is that tempest that keeps the fire in ur heart alive to finally lead u to equanimity, what is that lucid logical neural pathway that u try to frame which might lead to equanimity; what is that lacuna in the heart which makes us a constant traveler which may lead to equanimity, what if that implausible 98% of the head that is unexplored leads to equanimity?

One time or the other all would have asked this to their conscience knowingly or unknowingly, ‘Balance of head and heart, what is it anyways?’
One has the desire for wants (head) and the other necessity for needs (heart) no surprise where this quote comes from, ‘Blind leading Blind’. Nobody can state the right and wrong doers in this purpose to follow the wants or the needs it is just ‘A CHOICE’ not ‘THE CHOCE’.

Whatever the tempo we choose to dance for in this short period of life we at least end up getting light at the end to see that ‘Equanimity’ that was always etched as a trait on your soul – which we all are born with from the beginning whether this moment is the virtue of heart or head you’ll know when it takes over at the end.