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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Festooned Blinds in reality of life: How different is this inkling than been imprisoned?

One day (yes, yes all stories start with ‘once upon a time’ … J) when sipping early morning energy booster ‘Indian Chai’, looking at a pine tree with blinds on the windows playing pee-a-boo in intervals, I got this thought – Blinds !!!

As most of us have eyes (I believe) whose primary purpose is to help us ‘see’. But do we really see what we are ought to see? Or are eyes just a medium telling us to ‘see’. I haven’t yet quite figured this out. When my eyes kept gazing at the pine tree with birds chirping, welcoming a new day, my thoughts were still in the zone of nostalgia of something already gone. Then I thought, even though eyes try to show us what present moment is but we are mostly controlled by what we think and not what we see.

Thoughts are like mysterious lover. Like a mermaid, so beautifully disguised, like a flush of blood when you see a beloved, like pounding of heart when you hear your name whispered by sweet lips of a lover, like anonymity behind a beautiful smile of a stranger – very enchanting so festooned with blinds called ‘Thoughts’. They dictate ‘eyes’ like waves in the sea, every time different one takes birth, a new vigor, a new intensity but yet never known why they emerge so in brains with such high frequency that humans are still studying 2 hemispheres that control our so called ‘drama of self-preservation - EXISTENCE’.

We blind ourselves in one lifetime in so many ways – During childhood – by ‘innocence’, followed by –  learning of revolutionary actions of changing the world – by being a ‘rebel’, then by unlearning the actions of rebel cult – by acceptance to change ‘thyself’ then slowly merging into depth of collective connectedness to remain accepted, loved and cared at the end.

Thoughts when in present moment act like Adrenaline reservoir to keep things in ‘Action, Action’ just like the way a SS commands to a so called person who is only a ‘number’ now in a concentration camp. Soon bandwagon of life moves on to get the blinds of present dropped off in station called ‘past’ and starts searching blinds for future.

How impressed we become and so thrilled we’ll be to enjoy/suffer what our minds ask us to enjoy/suffer when at the root of all we know, we are only seeing based on the blinds we have on. Each one of us have different garlanded blinds of seeing the same world we live in due to geographical difference, religious conditioning, personal preference etc., (Yes, please add all the traits that one can brand as ‘that’s so not my type’. And my type is – blah blah …. Basically everyone can compartmentalized in one form or the other but its human nature to fight for ‘uniqueness’ – sign of one more blinds)

How different is this living of humans in so called liberated atmosphere than been imprisoned behind bars like a prisoner? We already bars to imprison ourselves – thoughts of our own, which always have some jail warden (rules of society) to monitor us for not fleeing away. Away to a realm of freedom – realm called ‘Oneness with self’ without bars of thoughts caging us.

We are all skeletons disguised with skin and rags with face as masks in varied blinds of thoughts. Garlanded blinds of living, direct us to falling into bucket of ‘I’, to bucket of ‘We’ to bucket of ‘Nothing’ at the end. Individuality to collective connectedness to ‘Nothing’.

‘Nothing’ is the zone we all belong one day. Of pure bliss, of pure no thoughts, of pure pause that one enjoys between 2 thoughts. When all the framed blinds of thoughts are taken away by non-existence of a Skelton and skin, when no eyes exist to be ruled by ‘blinds of thoughts’ that’s when we will see, we will see ‘light’ – light of nothingness. Light of liberation from garlanded cage of thoughts that separates us from so called ‘Life’ – to zone of ‘vision’ at the end. To see vividly why we had ‘eyes’ to start with imprisonment in cage of ‘life’ again.  

- Shilpa 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mic 1, 2, 3 testing check, check – Do relationships really bring out the macrocosm in you from microcosmic effects?

As sociology sees the macrocosm and microcosm concept of observing the patterns that repeat in smaller groups of individuals whose thinking pattern, behavior is analogous of larger social body encircling it.

Of all the states of living that I ever thought off where this theory could be applied – was human behavior and relationships.

Title seems to be some sort of show is happening right now and mic  – 1, 2, 3 check check – go on guys. Lights, camera, Action – get dancing, sorts of !!! J

Seriously, I feel it is literally a show when seen from eyes of so called ‘top view’ spectator. Or just to zero down when a re-play button is pressed – one’s own voices reverberate to give a feeling of the microcosmic voice within oneself trying to build harmonious connections with macrocosmic resonant part – that all of us have within already. It’s like listening to your own audio tape only with tape recorder being played by that one special being you share life with (Oh yeah, definitely buttons are controlled by the other one in a relationship, not oneself – you are only allowed to sing J)

Now relating the same to human behavior and relationships – Harmonious ones are those which actually bring out the macrocosm in you from all the little microcosmic actions that a partner can actually sustain to do.

We all dwell here on this dimension only to represent a larger self of ours acting in other planes too. So the actions that truly influence your physical reactions are not just from physical body but from a plane higher than that.

And that’s where the ‘energy’ theory kicks in or say ‘Vibes’ or say ‘instincts/gut feeling’ whatever you wanna give the nomenclature as, gets tested bit by bit in a relationship.

Mic check no. 1 – Love – very big funda indeed – cannot understand even an ounce of it for one whole lifetime I guess J Anyways, coming back to the whole yin yang of macro and microcosm now – is like give and take policy. Barter system – exchange of goods for other goods without any medium. This is mostly the case when thought from logical perspective – and soulful part in this whole deal is that ‘no medium’ is the catch.

We tend and do things for other one like free flowing water of a river or a lake (Microcosmic traits) only to find final destination as a mighty ocean (Macrocosmic concord) when  where both realize the macrocosm in one another’s comfort/love from each one’s microcosmic actions only to be one again to see the harmony together.

Mic check no. 2 – Peace – Very powerful effect indeed that everyone is hungry to experience at the end of the day.

Coming back to ‘check check’ now – in a relationship, going forward this is the strong base, which would hold rest of the love currents spinning. As ‘beloved one’ in your life brings in ever wanting hunger to rest by just being there for one another.

By his/her presence which makes you feel so peaceful that one’s eyes will naturally recognize the macrocosm in self after peace has superseded love for some time. And keep the dance of harmony still in limelight of life, when both are transcending from one stage of self evolvement to its next level as individuals anyways on this earth. 

Mic check no. 3 – Individuality – this one I do not know what to Ball Park as – macro or microcosm --- blink blink – but supposedly as it is my choice now I would zero down it to be a macrocosmic feature of oneself because what we get etched as at the end of life when we have swum in the oceans of love and peace finally to reach the end - to start a journey at the bank of eternity with all that one lil lifetime makes us experience.

And yes as an individual we all have our paved paths of evolvement (Earthily and beyond earth). Differentiator here is: in a relationship how much of this is possible which means how many ‘TRUE’ macrocosmic traits are fanned out like ‘peacock feathers’ when joy/happiness takes over when given liberation (Death) to see yourself as a beautiful human being.

 A sculpture carved by the hands of true love, true peace, a genuine soul mate who would make you that ‘presentable self for you’ by making oneself realize how macrocosmic – universe resonant can a ‘homo sapien’ be when journey together of ‘silence’ starts.

True potentiality of human being as an individual can be realized largely when soul mates (maybe parents, companion, best friend, siblings, children, strangers etc.,) offer those little microcosmic chances to express the way ‘however you are born’!!!

Great deal of acceptance/unconditional love and peace is needed to mend or carve the crude rock into a beautiful sculpture bit by bit – one painful hit after the other, one scene after the other. One day of life after the other. One phase of relationship after the other. One big family after the other.

Finally, one lifetime after the other. Only to know in next life – that we are beautiful self of macrocosmic traits earned from all the events in one lil life from microcosmic etching, only to dance, to the song of harmony again!!!

- Shilpa