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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Camaraderie with Clandestine Consign

In the hush and bush of this fast paced demanding world have we once stopped by not to rush? And slowly notice that we all have a secret garden in us where we take a stroll whenever the demand arises. To be a person no one has seen you as, to be a being no one has ever thought you would be and you don’t have to be answerable for being just you? 

It surprises me sometimes, when I think of the days where, everyone as a child surely would have had a secret place. Maybe as one’s book shelf, study table, mother’s purse, last pages of the work book, beneath the cot, amidst the toy bag, near the hinges of the doors, small corner in the garage, school bag, friend’s lunch bag etc., where all the little secrets were preserved and the places would be ‘Xtra Care Zone’ and oneself being the security guard to always be sure that your things are safe and sound wherever they are.

How quick can these little safe zones metaphor into real places, people, books, relationships and many more we get connected through in the journey of life. Where we considered that our little secrets would last forever as they did during childhood turns out to be something mysterious for us to figure out now as grown-ups.

There is always a place(maybe not be a physical space only) wherein you go with child like joy, radiance beaming in your eyes, enthusiasm as your footsteps,  laughter as food, curiosity as hunger and unconditional love as the take-away.

And when I thought about the places I meant places in real, suddenly I was in surprised state. A clandestine place can be someone you confide truly, some place wherein you dance to the joy for just being present there for a moment, a page in a book you read over and over again, a doodle on a paper which has your own unique language, a infinite symphony of the songs you love the most, a conversation you always wanted to have with your beloveds, etc.,

This secret garden person is what I call ‘The True U’ where one responds/reacts which natural instincts to emotions within and around. Unbiased by neural calculations, untouched by predefined conditioning and as fresh as morning dew.   I cannot see a reason why wouldn’t one not get surprised when he/she encounter’s a new being in them for just a short while. And potential happiness gathered in this congregate matches nothing that can be called measurable and countable for few moments until if not’s, what if’s? When would? Will it? all the permutation and combination of 6 W’s and 2 H’s pop-in as invisible cuffs to prison oneself as stereotypical body with muscles and no senses. With no senses I meant the basic instincts what each cell are born with peace, love, light, harmony and oneness. How magical can be this realm of reality called earth that we forget the true cell structure which is universal in all forms of living.

On and off we give this visage of ours many different secretive forms soulmate, friends, hobbies, book, songs, silence etc., which end up being cluster of clandestine places where everyone visits in this world just to experience true forms of one’s own seam. 



funblogger said...

One of the side-effects of modern life is that we tend to get mechanical and forget our Clandestine places! Nice article!

praveen said...

Nice article which pushes to see what you were, what you are and what you wanted to be...